Thursday, April 1, 2010

WORN Fashion Journal


It’s one of the most rewarding things to do in life, to see and to discover new cities. But the thing that I love most is the people that I meet on my journeys.

Two years ago, I took the Amtrak from Montreal to New York City and like most train rides, I always find myself meeting the most interesting and fascinating people. And that very Friday, I spent the next 12 hours chatting with Serah-Marie McMahon about life, fashion, style and business.

For those of you don’t know Ms. McMahon, she is the editor and publisher of WORN Fashion Journal which is published twice a year in Canada. Unlike other fashion magazine, such as Vogue, that publishes the latest trends, the primary focus of WORN is about Fashion, what makes Fashion, Fashion. Highlighting a few topics of the current issue, an article entitled “Beauty as Duty” that investigates the fashion of WWII propaganda campaign and another that discusses the history of Keffiyeh.

The journal itself is creative filled with fashion education and fashion pop culture. The nature of the journal is quite simple, but yet inventive and original. Does that make sense? Not sure. But it takes questions that are not usually asked about fashion, and makes you think twice. That’s what I like about it.

And returning back to that long train ride, we finally reached the end of the track, both of us going on our separate ways. Mine, to discover New York City, and hers, a fashion conference. Recalling our conversation on the train ride, I vividly remember her strong personality and most importantly her passion and dedication of the work she does. And those qualities still resonate each time I pick up a copy of WORN.

So when you are in that mood to pick up something to read, go to one of the shops that offer WORN. These shops are listed on their “Where to Buy” page.

Love the city you are in, and support our local publishers.

Amour de Montreal

WORN Fashion Journal

Francisation Program: Learning French, Ca va?

Are you new to our city? Or been here a while and still have not mastered “la langue Française”.

Well I am letting you know that you can jump on the language wagon and learn French for the price of a week’s groceries, or a night of debauchery.

Long story short, in order to promote French language, the government of Quebec offers a Francisation program. The Francisation program is an intensive program lasting two months per level. There are 6 levels in total, then onwards writing classes. The program is subsidized meaning that when you enroll and take French classes, you need to pay an administration fee of $40.00 to your local centre that offers the courses and $10.00 for the course materials and photocopies. That’s it! Learning French has never been so cheap, compared to private institutions.

Classes usually run during the day Monday through Friday, from morning to mid-afternoon. If you work during the day, fear not, they offer intensive night classes Monday to Thursday. Time schedules differ from one centre to the next.

If you are coming out of a job, and have a certain amount of hours, you may be eligible for Emploi Quebec’s training program. They pay you to learn French!

For myself, it was a big change compared to university French; for once I was able to interact with other people and with the teacher. The daily interaction helped big time, and the improvement has shown. So take time learn French.

For more information, click here.

Love the province you are in.

Amour de Montreal.