Friday, March 19, 2010

What's Playing: Old Wicked Songs

What do the 1996 Pulitzer price and our very own director, Martin Faucher, have in common? Joe Marans’s play “Old Wicked Songs” playing at the Segal Centre for Performing Arts, is the answer to that very question. Since March 7th Jean Marchand and Emile Proulx-Cloutier have been playing an amazing performance of this award winning play every evening.

Set in Vienna, Austria in the 1980’s, a young American piano prodigy studies with a Viennese music teacher. Both characters are troubled with their daunting pasts that prevents both from pursing what they do best, music. Together, their stories are intertwined, in a political backdrop of Vienna, with one another allowing both to confront their haunting pasts.

I had the opportunity to see the play last Wednesday evening. I truly recommend each and one of you to take the time to see and to sink in the astounding performances. The music itself, which I believe to be another character in the story, is transcending and mesmerising.

Joe Maran’s, Old Wicked Songs, continues to play at the Segal Theatre until March 21st, that’s this Sunday.

Love the city you are in.

Amour de Montréal.

Segal Theatre
5170 Côte-Ste-Catherine

Metro: Cote-Saine-Catherine

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